Monday, May 30, 2011

Employer / Business Leader of the Year Awards 2011

Friday, 27 May 2011 will go down in business history as the launch of the first Employer / Business Leader of the Year Awards. An initiative of the Federation of Swaziland Employers & Chamber of Commerce, its main focus is recognizing and rewarding businesses that go the extra mile to ensure excellence is service delivery and quality products, especially as the country faces the worst economic crisis in contemporary times.

The overall winner, a surprise to all, was Old Mutual Swaziland (click here), a company that is only three years old in the country. The award was accepted by Chief Executive Officer Mr Dantago Nico // Hoabeb. Close runner up was MTN Swaziland, followed by FNB Swaziland.

The following were category winners:

Employee Wellness - Coca Cola Swaziland
Sustainability - Swaziland Beverages
Employee Branding & Skills Development - Tintsaba Crafts
Talent Management - Standard Bank
HR Policies - Inyatsi Construction

We would like to cngratulate all our deserving winners, and to encourage other participants who did not make it. At the end , business in Swaziland was the overall winners.

The following sponsors are appreciated for their generous support which made these Awards a success:

MTN Swaziland
Standard Bank Swaziland
Inyatsi Construction
Swaziland National Provident Fund
Cadbury Swaziland
Swaziland Beverages

To read more on the dinner, check out the Times of Swaziland and The Swazi Observer