Tuesday, February 22, 2011


The Director of Industrial Relations and Social Policy at FSE & CC is hosting a workshop on the new Companies Act 08/2009.

Date: 1st March 2011
Time: 08:00 am - 04:30pm
Venue: Royal Villas

In 2009, Swaziland saw the commencement of the new Companies Act, which repealed the almost century old Companies Act 1912. This was wisdely viewed as a step in the right direction by the industry owing to the development and requirements of business transactions and in everyday commerce.

The new Companies Act has 386 sections compared to the repealed Act's 219 sections. This comprehensive review has introduced new concepts and extended liabilities that were not previously in existence. These changes have had an impact in inter alia sectors such as banking and the accounting sectors.

No sooner had the new Act commenced did its practical application raise concerns. Glaring contradictions emerged and eith the advent of the Constitution of Swaziland, it became doubtful whether some provisions of the Act would pass Constitutional scrutiny.

There is no denying that the new Act partly addresses some of the demands of modern commerce and business transactions. What is doubtful is whether the Act is comprehensive enough to deal with contemporary trends in the ever evolving global market.
In light of the above concerns and doubts, and being sensitive to the needs of the business community in Swaziland, FSE & CC has invited Professor John Kiggundu whom the Governemnt of Swaziland had contracted as Legal Trade Advisor during the draft of the new Act in 2004.


The objective of the workshop is to highlight the salient provisions of the Act and to make a case for reform.

Individuals - E 2 500
Group (3 - 6 participants) - E 2 300/pp
Group (7 upwards) - E 2 000/pp

All affected parties, including but not limited to: CEO's, Finance Directors/Managers, Legal Advisors, Company Secretaries, Attorneys, Compliance Managers, Corporate and Strategic Managers, Business/Company Owners and Board Members, Law Students, Accountants, Auditors, and Bankers.

To register, please contact Nancy at nancy@business-swaziland.com or call 2404 0768 / 2404 4408.

Industrial Relations and Social Policy

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